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Jodi Sandfort, Ph.D.

Dean and Professor, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance

Strategic Advisor

University of Washington

Dr. Jodi Sandfort joined the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance as dean in January 2021. Formerly a professor at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, her work focuses on improving the implementation of social policy, particularly those policies designed to support low-income children and their families. In that regard, she was the founder of the Future Services Institute that supports government redesign of programs and services through citizen engagement and leadership development.  She founded and was for many years academic director of the Hubert Project, a global community focused on improving public policy education.

As the mother of two college-age sons, Jodi is enjoying the new phase of ‘empty nesting’ by doing more gardening and physical fitness. Also, since moving to the Pacific Northwest, Jodi has enjoyed more kayaking, hiking, and has learned to scuba dive.

Research Areas

Social Policy, Citizen Engagement, Leaderships Development, Public Policy Education, Low-income Families